Thursday, March 6, 2014

Reflection: God Shots!

Test day! I really don't love taking tests and my study skills are less than ideal. But I felt truly touched by God on my way to class this morning.

God Shot Number 1:
First, I got in my car, and NPR was talking about changes on the SAT, shockingly similar to the Test I was on my way to take. I can't remember the last time they have talked about the SAT on NPR.

NPR: College Board Previews SAT Revision

God Shot Number 2:
Then I recall audio I have from a study guide that is applicable and plugged my phone into the Aux function. Exactly what I needed to hear.

God Shot Number 3:
Next, as I am walking to my class, I see my favorite flowers: Daffodils! I don't remember ever seeing them before. They brought a sense of calm and gratitude to a potentially stressful day.

The great thing is that although I wasn't sure about all the test questions, I felt reassured and OK. My gratitude abounds today. There are a lot of things that aren't neccessarily the way I want them to be, but I am infinitely taken care of. And that makes me smile.

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