Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reflection: What is Normal?

One of the things I love about growing healthy and getting older is that I am able to see the world (more) for how it is. When I was younger, I had an idea that I had to fit a certain body type, and weigh a certain amount to be acceptable and worthy. 
Today, I realize more and more that we are all our own people with different life experiences, likes and dislikes and yes too, bodies. I am not going to neccessarily be the same weight, have the same body type, and wear the same clothes as my friends/enemies/others. I am my own person, just like you are your own person. 
Sometimes the truth is very freeing. I don't have to live in that land of social comparisons and self-pity any longer. Well, more to come on this and other topics soon...

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